Monday, September 30, 2013

They became one

Almost 10yrs ago I married my best friend, life was simple. It was just us two, we had nothing pushing, nothing urgent, no one else to be concerned for. Then we got a house, 2 kids, bills, now a dog. Life got crazy, and US became the last thing on our mind. We put everything else ahead of us, we forgot that God put us together as a family FIRST. All because we fell in love we made a family.

“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
That is why a man leaves his father and mother 
and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."
Genesis 2:23-24

Being a young married couple, with one income we started out with just doing home dates for awhile because finding a babysitter was hard. Either affording one or having one that we both could feel comfortable. Then we started to budget for a babysitter. We tried to work it out that we go out on a date at least twice a month, if we can't get a babysitter, then we save and do a at home date night. Made the commitment to work at taking time for each other. I recommend to take the time to spend time together, with either at home dates or date night out.

I use to feel guilty putting "US" before our children from time to time, but then I realized, that showing our children that we LOVE each other and that we show our children that we still are in love as day one! And Dr. Emerson Eggerichs says it the best in his book "Love and Respect"
 "The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. The best thing a mother can do for her children is to respect their father." ~Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

So get out the budget, get a babysitter, set the "day to day" aside and recapture you as a couple. I dare you to Fall in love all over again!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Picture from
How I long to just simply live somewhere peaceful and quiet, to just open my back door and let the kids run til they can't run anymore, and to have a large garden and chickens. After living a life of "more stuff the better", fast pace, and money, I have come to realize its not worth it. And now I am striving for living a life of simplicity. 
I have goals in place to make this happen one day, I know it won't be tomorrow, but I just have a desire for peace and the simple life. It could be because I am getting older, as my husband reminds I am approaching 30, but I feel like I have reached the point in my life where I wanna go back to the basics. To not be so busy, not "running out of room", and allowing our children to use their minds for imagination and our words to talk to each other face to face.
Everyday I think of my goals, and everyday I pray. I pray for God's timing and God's plans for our lives as we prepare for a life of simplicity :)
