Friday, July 15, 2016

Raising Arrows

Today was "Grocery Day" here in the household. I considered for a moment to waiting for hubby to get home. Between the heat and past grocery shopping experiences. But I was up and dress by 7:15am, and the household started to stir. So we headed out at 8:15am. They made it through 2 stores (Target and Costco)  no fussing, they even had store Cashiers compliment they're behavior. Then we made it to Kroger. Now some would think this is where it turns ugly. Nope.
Any other situation, I would have changed 100% and said "The day is going down hill!!". But the moment the youngest started to fuss and cause a scene. Her siblings stepped up, and without being asked. Karalena started to try and find snacks, or something to keep her happy where she was. After I finally moved her up with me, we went to check-out. And THAT'S WHEN IT TURNED UGLY!
Vanessa had NO interest in checking out, I was trying to keep her seated, and unload, and Kris stepped over and started knock knock jokes. But Vanessa dismissed him. And that's when he actually stepped up to her and put her in her place.
"Vanessa no! Don't push me away. I am trying to help. Now I am going to sing to you and talk to you! " - Kris
And started to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider, and then they started say knock knock jokes. He seemed to have officially started understanding how to handle her. She isn't as " tag along" as Lena was.
Today was above and beyond amazing for me as a Mom. I saw my kids not only behave, but be helpful. They took over where I needed them to without being asked. And never once did I hear "well I did this can I get this for it.". They truly blessed me today, with their actions.
I am proud to call them "My Little Blessings".
Have a Beautiful Weekend

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


So we've had our home on the market for about 160+ days, and come July 31st we take it off Market to enjoy living in the home again, and simply because of the holidays coming up. Since then, we've been slowly purging and living without a lot of "stuff". For a cleaning aspect of it, it's been a lot easier to keep up.
Kids playing, towels drying
All this week,  we've been kind of homebodies. Being home, playing in our own backyard. And it's been nice to just not be in a hurry. It's been 3 days so far and this has been our schedule. We get up, all of us get an hour of TV or tablet. Go outback from 9-11am, go in, wash up get dressed for the day (because we usually go outside in pjs.), have lunch and then either go somewhere or just hang out inside. When daddy gets home we enjoy dinner together as a family, then go outside as a family (permitting weather).
Water table: curb find FREE
One thing I have noted that since we have not been in a "let's go let's go" first thing in the morning,  it's been very fuss/attitude free. I honestly feel less stressed out too.
Come August we plan to do a deep purge of the attic and declutter our lives. We've learned that stuff doesn't make a home or make the kids happier. It's the time and effort you put into living and your loved ones life that makes it great. I honestly can't wait!
So today, I challenge you to try a little "Simple life" today,  tomorrow or a whole weekend. And just live simple for the day(s).
Have Blessed week!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Sweet Sleep

"Oh where have you been?" -  me. 

This is my opinion to this amazing book,  I'm on my 5th book for the Postpartum Doula reading list. I wish I had on hand when my youngest was born. It's called "Sweet Sleep, Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family". 
It has makes me feel like I am doing this correctly. I have never had a baby who was exclusively breastfed, and was as hands on as she was. I had to reach out to other moms because I never knew if I was doing it right. And thank you to the Moms who reassured me,  many-many times.

I learned that my sweet little blessing is a "Velcro Baby" and she will pretty much be completely different from my "routine" son, and "Night Owl" daughter. She's not going to be on a set schedule yet, or be willing to lay in a toddler bed and fall asleep.
I highly recommend this to ALL new moms or soon to be mom's. It covers so many things I wish I had. I can't wait to share the information with all the new moms I get to help out with this Postpartum Doula Business :).

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Vitamin D, don't mind if I do.

Vanessa loving the sand
 What a great day out on the lake! I got to watch my kids do things that I never would have thought to do at their ages!! One because I don't swim in water I can't see my toes in. And two: I never had that kind of confidence.
Our oldest took the Kayak out, and honestly did better than I do! I can manage to go in circles. He also towed his sister around for us, she wasn't quit able to control her own Kayak, yet.

Kris towing his sister in the Kayak. 
 After they had time out on the lake, we decided to do the "Easy Ski" and we decided to do it with a kayak!! Crazy, but it worked well.
 They did amazing!! All 3 of our kids did it. I genuinely was proud of them. My kids have learned to LOVE the outside and the water.
Karalena showing off! 
They could have stayed outside on the water all day long.  Kris did 2 rounds, Karalena did 4 rounds and Vanessa did like 6 rounds.
Vanessa smiling so BIG!! 
Karalena even Pulled Vanessa in the shallow area on the easy ski.
Once we got home, we all were just fried and tired. So we relaxed a little, and then played Lego Pirate Plank. Which was fun and so entertaining.
It was so nice to have another Saturday to just relax. So get out and enjoy some vitamin D and family time.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Visiting A New Mom

This weekend I had the joy of making a meal (recipe at the end of post)  for the FIRST of 5 baby's that was born this week. This is something I enjoy so much. It's another outreach to mama's I do.
Making a meal, helps them by not having to worry about at least one thing that day. It cooked and ready to go at drop off. It's also in a disposable dish, they don't have to keep up with bowls and getting them back to me.
Now as a mom of 3 now, I have learned some things about visiting new babies and I'll share them real quick. But keep in mind you know the new mom and their situation so this is just to be taken as helpful suggestions.

Send a message or text alert the arrival. 
 This my personal request, and something I do. New moms can't move quickly. They just pushed a baby out or had major surgery. So it may take them a min to get up. Or if they are nursing,  they may not have the walk around nursing thing down yet. So give them a heads up so they have a time frame or can be ready when the door bell rings.

Don't stay long
Now I will admit, I have over stayed my welcome a time or two. And honestly some mom's won't say it, but leave. Seriously, give your self a timer on your phone 30mins. And try to leave before that timer goes off. Most mom's need to nurse (newer mom's won't feel comfortable just nursing infront of people yet), or just nap.

Wait to be invited
  Wait for them to get home, and settled. Don't send a thousand text messages. Just simply let them know, when they are ready for company to let you know. And they will.

DO something
If you are blessed enough to be invited over, offer to do something. Or just pick up a little around. I remember when I had my 2nd blessing, a friend came over and took out ALL the trash. And while at first I was a little embarrassed (bc let's be honest it's the stinky job) I was grateful.

Be Understanding:
Everybody wants to hold and smell that beautiful new blessing. But wait. There is bad news here,  you may NOT get to. New moms don't want to let anyone hold their new baby. But eventually you will.  I usually will wait for the mom to ask "Would you like to hold him/her?". If they don't that is fine.
And last but not least:

Bring food or beverage!
It doesn't have to be a meal, but it can be a basket full of snacks. Or a coffee, or something you know they enjoy.

Enjoy the opportunity to be a blessing to a new mother.  Sharing a meal and lending a helping hand is such a simple gesture but for a new mom gradually getting used to the new normal of having another little one to look after it can feel like a small miracle.

  • 1 lb package of Turkey Kielbasa
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 20 oz. package of refrigerated Tortellini
  • 28 oz can of whole tomatoes, cut in the can with kitchen scissors
  • 1 cup chicken broth or water
  • Pinch of salt & pepper
  • 2 Tbsp cream cheese
  • 2 cups shredded jack and cheddar cheeses
  1. Cook the onion in a little olive oil until soft. Add sliced turkey sausage and cook until browned. Add chicken broth, tortellini, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring often. Turn heat down to low, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until pasta is cooked to al dente. Remove from heat and add cheeses, reserving a handful for topping. Cover and let stand for five to ten minutes. Grarnch with green onions, if desired. Serve hot.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Just Breathe.....

So my amazing husband planned a day for us to go to Norfolk Botanical Gardens. At first, I wanted to resisted. One: because I had a to-do list a mile long. And two: because we honestly need to catch up on house and yard work.  But then I said "ok let's go", and it was the most amazing 5hrs ever!
Not a care in the world, we took end of year homeschool photos, and even got an updated family
It was a much needed: do nothing, no responsibilities, I even left the house a mess.
The entire day I kept hearing the song "Breathe"  -  By Johnny Diaz.
"Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe"
What a reminder! I hope this weekend you all take a moment to


Friday, July 1, 2016

When life isn't rainbows and fluffy cats.

Went to the grocery store today, and if you could see my face as I pushed a cart full if kids and food. People everywhere were rude and not very kind all together.
Scene from Pixar Inside Out

And me repeating "Sit down now"  every 5 mins the entire 5hrs it took me to grocery shop.  My saving grace was the last store. The cashier at Target, was kind and all smiles. Even with my toddler standing on the seat demanding to be out of the cart.
It was the simple act of a smile and a look. That I took as "Hi Mama. It will get better". It wasn't the smoothest drive home, or the 45mins it took me to unload all the groceries. But it was the sarcastic, genuine trying to cheer me up "Well mom, life isn't always rainbows and fluffy cats", comment from my son.
So yes, life isn't always rainbows and fluffy cats lol!!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Sleepless Beauty.

Oh as I write this I am sipping on a big cup of coffee!! My sweet little blessing (who turns 2 in Aug) had us restless all night long. She has been doing so well lately, even survived a trip to Michigan (15-18hrs) without much fussing.
 But last night she seemed restless and really needing mama.
Its funny because I could hear the difference in her cry.  It wasn't the normal "Hey I don't wanna be in here!" cry. It was a "Something was wrong and I need my mama." cry.
This little girl has a vocabulary that is sometimes understandable, and sometimes not so clear. I try and get her to communicate with words, but sometimes she just can't. So I listen to the ques she gives me.
Ever since I had my son people would say listen to their cry, it changes based on their needs. And it does! 3 kids in and you can tell the difference if you listen. There is a hungry, uncomfortable, diaper change, gassy,  stubborn, tantrum, hurt, scared and frustrated cry.
Sometimes even at almost 2 you gotta give up a little of sleep for them. But don't worry, one day the tables will turn :).

Blessings and a cup of coffee,

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

When a passion grows

So I have been gone for awhile. We've been working on selling our house and basically raising 3 amazing children. Life has been a little insane I will admit, but it's also been amazing. Things have been coming together, and I have found God leading me into areas of life I never saw coming.
I have been looking into studying Postpartum Doula. This is something I have already been doing, not knowing it.

I started with a simple Google search, reaching out to my Midwives (my own midwife and friends who are home birth Midwives). I started searching different certification availability and got connected to someone who does it as well.
After that I went to my local library to check most of the books on the reading list for the DONA site. And it seemed impossible at the time but now, I've already gotten through 2 books, started a third.  I have since then started to look at a site called Thrift books. AMAZING find by my sweet husband. We have saved so much money this way.

So one of the books I started reading was "You Inc.", on our way to Michigan to see my sister and her family. As I was reading, the ask questions about why you do want to do what you do? And that really struck me. Why? It was very simple. I had to answer this question, and I could have answered the generic answer of because I love babies, or I love helping. And that's not why. The real reason is very real, and very close to my heart. Moms. Moms are the reason I desired to be there for them. I have blogged about this before, Moms being there for moms. And its very real, when I became a mom I was the only one in my group of friends to start a family. I felt a lone (not to get attention but it is true), in the most life changing time I felt a lone. Mainly because I got married right out of high school. So when we had kids MOST of our friends were getting married or still dating. I had my family and my sister (who had twins and was close to delivery of her third). I also had mentors who were Moms but they were in their own seasons. 
When you become a mom things change A LOT. I needed that person who could come over and just see the hot mess I was trying to figure out. When I had my son, life was about no sleep and being with him, and I needed people who understood that. Luckily I had my sister and I also my Best Friend at that time who understood that. 
When I had decided to become a Stay at Home mom, I started seeking out new moms of the church who needed that safe circle of moms that you could be comfortable and open
You could confide in and just ask for help when feel like you are losing it. 
Photo Credit:
And that is when I decided that someone needed to be there for these moms. Even if it was baby #1 or #6, every mom needs that person who can come over at midnight because you feel insane. Or come over at 6 am to just help you start the day. 
And that is WHY I decided to follow my passion of helping moms get through this life change. To love on them and tell them it will be OK. Postpartum Care is the most important thing a mom can have, to have someone in your corner while you ugly cry, just stare at a wall or even just feel normal. 
Everything is still in the works for becoming a Postpartum Doula, but I am excited to know this is God's calling for me, and I plan to try and blog about our process, as well as fun things me and the kids learn in life, as I have the past.
