Thursday, February 28, 2013

My own little Daniel

 Well last night I was talking with our bible study teacher, about my son. And his LOVE of Veggies, Fruits and homemade bread. She said "You have your own little Daniel" (Daniel in the bible). And boy have a taken note of how true it is! 

My son has a love for God, passion for healthy food, desire for cooking homemade! 
AND HE'S ONLY 4.5yrs old! 

Today we took a small field trip to The Whole Food Market, and you'd think we went to the Zoo! Him and his best friend was all over, amazed by colors, fruits, veggies, nuts, coffee grounds, and shockingly FISH!

Kris and I talked about everything on the way to Food Lion, and he asked about the fish. He asked why we don't eat a lot of fish. We are honestly trying to, but Kevin and I don't like sea food, but we've talked about trying it out. And then Kris said something AMAZING to me, "Mommy we should try it! Its good for you, and I could catch the fish with Papa and we can cook it! Like you have a garden for fresh food, I can fish so we can have FRESH FISH!". Oh my heart jumps for joy, that this small child is full of wisdom with healthy eating! I pray everyday that he lives by Genesis 1:29
"Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Friday, February 8, 2013

8lbs down 30lbs to go!

Well it has been officially a month since I've started on my journey to clean living and weight loss. Since January 7th I am down 8lbs, and having more energy! But most important, I have been able to take on and off my wedding band set! It has been about 5yrs since I've been able to do that. They have either been stuck or never went on.

I have also discovered that I have known what to do to lose weight I just never listened to myself or others. I knew what I needed to stop eating/doing what I was doing, and what I needed to start doing to get there. But I wasn't ready, I just wanted the quick fix. I wanted the magic pill that took the weigh off while i continued to over eat, and eat unhealthy foods. 

But I have had such an amazing start its keeping me going. Now as a full time mom, wife, and now teacher (home school) I can't spend every waking moment at the gym. Nor can I can just hop in the car and go when I feel like it. We as a family have to work it into our schedule. And with this I am teaching my children that the gym or just active living is part of our lives, and it fits into our schedule because we allow it. You can fill your day of mindless activities or you can live the best way God designed. 
 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically ~ Romans 12:11

I very excited for me and my family, that we are making the right moves towards Clean Living and Healthy Living! Its never easy but it all starts with one small step to make BIG changes! I encourage you to continue in the right steps. 