Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Overcoming a stubborn child: The Great Outdoors!

The amazing challenge I face with my youngest child is simply "STUBBORN".  We have been facing this stubbornness for sometime. The one I choose to battle with her is regarding the great outdoors. She does not like being HOT and outside for long. I know, what kid doesn't like the great outdoors?? I thought there was something wrong with her, or maybe I was doing something wrong. But I finally decided to express this frustration with someone who has 3 beautiful, outdoor loving, children.
And she said the words that made me feel completely normal (lol) "My daughter was the same way when she was young, and I simple told her to get over it and love it!"
Whhhaaaat! Its that easy? And her daughter loves outdoors... I couldn't imagine her not liking outdoors.
And officially yesterday I tried this method for the first time. 
Suck it up buttercup because
 we are NOT going inside.
I sat and explained yesterday that "One day we will live in a house that I can toss you guys outside and not worry about peoples music, language and peeping eyes (not that we have it just worries me). So you better learn to love it!"
Today was day 2! And it was much better, she gave me 30mins total... and did whine and fuss, but she did stay quiet once I calmly explained I will NOT be going home...

Tomorrow is another fun day to adapt her to the GREAT OUTDOORS

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I will praise you in the morning

It has been awhile since I have blogged. Mix of overload in the schedule, overload in motherly duties, and craziness of this month!

So I took my schedule and blocked out this moment in my life to sit down and blog what I have been praying about!

Praise God in ALL THINGS!

I had a couple of play dates where I just sat and talked with my best friend. This friend had me over while my husband was on an unexpected extended trip to Illinois when his grandfather passed away. See, this trip was last min planned for a couple of days and he would come home. But his grandfather went home to be with God, and made this trip a lot longer than expected. And it became very stressful because it was 24/7 for 11 days with no let up from things falling apart. My van started having complications, small things around the house fell apart, and serious storms continued to hit the area. It seemed like everything was crashing down and I could not do anything to stop it, and I couldn't get free.

She called me to invite me over one day, and we just sat and talked. My friend went to play with their friends in the other room. Which gave me a break, a well deserved break! And we got to talking about Praising God with all things He has given us. About how God has given us our beautiful children, and how we couldn't imagine life without them.

Then I sat in my bed and prayed God please help me see the good in rough days, and I woke up to blue skies, fluffy white clouds and the sun rising in the East. I couldn't imagine a greater sign of peace from God. I was thankful for the sign of peace and gratefulness.

It was an amazing experience, and I know that in ALL things I will praise God in all things that He has given me.

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