Sunday, July 12, 2015

We need more trees!

Well, this weekend has been crazy busy and fun!
We celebrated hubby's 33rd Birthday!! We attempted an outdoor movie night, only to get rained out. BOO! But we snuggled into our 1,000sq ft house with 11 adults and 7 kids.
But today we broke out of the house! We went to our local Botanical Gardens, and we walked everywhere we could. Let them play at the WOW (World of Wonders) kids area, where they have a water play yard. And in the giant sand mountain where they can live their Pirate Dream!
A long our venture we discovered this amazing Cherry Weeping Willow. It was like a safe haven from the sun and heat, it was amazing. And the kids enjoyed it so much. My kids are not blessed to have trees in their yard to climb so this was very special. The trees where almost saying "Come climb me!", with their low branches, and knots designed just for their small (well small Lena feet lol). They got first hand lesson from their daddy as well. Which seemed to bring out the kid in him! I loved it. I also sat back with our youngest (Too much mulch for her to eat) and saw my children looking up at it. Looking at how the tree branches intertwine, and create an amazing canopy.  Then my son asked why the branches looked like vines and asked, if you could swing from them. Oh how the brain works!

 Then they discovered a tree under the willow that had what looked like arms open wide waiting for a child to sit in them.
And they took to them as excited as seeing a loved one! They ran to it and asked their daddy to help them. They didn't wanna leave either, my son looked at me and said "We need more trees". Oh how I agree, we need more trees! We need the free play, be wowed by God's creation and enjoy the great outdoors! 

I hope sometime this week you get out and enjoy a tree or two!

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In A blink of An Eye!

This morning was a hard morning. Vanessa was up at 4:45am, even though I tried to let her cry it out, she was pretty much starting to wake the house up. And after nursing and rocking she pretty much thought it was play time. She was UP, and I laid her down for 1hr praying she'd drift off. No such luck to be found.
About 5:50am I decided it wasn't worth waking the older 2 and got up. And at that point I decided to express my discontent on social media, only to get God's Answer from a good friend (Who is pretty much in the same boat as me with baby sleep habits.).
 "......BUT as much as I'd love for some sleep myself, I know it'll be over all too soon & the snuggles & kicks in my side & arm cramps in the middle of the night will be what I long for when he's fast asleep by himself in his own bed."

How true is that? Satan was trying to stomp all over my "Embrace Imperfection" with and unhappy, no sleeping in for you, baby. And a friend showed me the basic truth, one day you will miss it. You will wonder when did she grow up? In a few short weeks my baby will be 1yrs old and no stopping her then. She will be 7yrs old in a blink of an eye.

Now I say this with a happy heart now, and conviction... but 12hrs ago I rolled my eyes, and thought BUT I'M TIRED NOW! And God smiled back and said "I'm tired of your whining so put your big girl panties on and look!" and at that moment, her brother came in, invited her into his room and all 3 of my kids played together. My baby, who is now 7, took responsibility for my youngest. When did that happen? I blinked in a moment of tiredness and he grew up before my eyes.

There will ALWAYS be coffee, but there always won't be babies. Love them, rock them, and suck it up!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Embracing Imperfection

What in your life is perfect? 

Perfect house, husband, kids, job, your week, body?
 What are you struggling with just letting be imperfect? 

My friend (Mala, she has a small business called Aunt Molly's Big Fat Bag) made this bracelet a few months back and I felt like God was showing me. Telling me that I didn't let go still.

 And I told her as soon as she perfected it let me know! I need this constant reminder. Because I struggle with Embracing Imperfection. And since this past Sunday (July 5th) I have worn it every day, it has helped me so much. I have stopped and prayed when the kids didn't listen, I have smiled when my baby wanted to be held instead of playing. And the biggest thing I let my kids bring out every craft item to craft with! And I just let them do, I didn't micro mange or freak out because stickers where all over the floor. 

I am slowly learning to embrace a messy house, a pile of laundry, and fussy baby who just wants me. And I am not perfect at it, but coming around to what God has in store for my imperfections!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11


Monday, July 6, 2015

Where have you been?

When people ask me "Why haven't you been blogging?"
I simply say "I'm a mom".... that should be all that needs to explain why, or so you think huh? *Insert sarcasm*

I'm JUST a mom of 3, just a homeschooling, stay at home, live in maid, mom of 3.

A mom of a 7yr old that asks 1001 questions in the first 5 mins of his feet hitting the floor, a 4.5yr old who insist on being the baby yet a big girl, and a now 11mth old who destroys the house in 10 secs if left to her own, as well as hates being left a lone (please read this blog to understand her). BUT I love it, and I chose to be mom and wife first. Now that sleep has finally come our way, I feel like I can finally get back to blogging! So I am going to try and commit to blogging as often as I can.

Because LIFE is NEVER boring over here in CRAZY TOWN!!!


Crunchy Mom

 Today was another "Crunchy Mom" moment. I laugh as I sit here writing this, simply because I never imagined myself this way!

This morning was milestone, Vanessa slept in til after 7am! That's right she slept in AND slept in her own crib for 12hrs! But when I went to go change her, it changed the celebration to fear. She was completely covered with a rash from head to toe. MY WORST FEAR! Something is wrong and I don't know what it is. My first thought "Hand Foot and Mouth", oh no we've been through this BUT she never had a fever. So I called the Dr as soon as the office opened. And they said I could come in but because of no fever and she is nursing, they'd see her at 2:45pm. Ugh!

We finally get there and turns out she has that lovely virus that breaks out in a rash, at the end stage. The treatment plan: Oatmeal bath and store baby lotion. I smiled, and said ok! Then strap her into her ring sling and walked out, and as I walk with her in arm (Which by the way, anyone who's been to DePaul *Norfolk,VA*, knows the walk is amazing around that hospital) I looked at her, all smiles and said "Not for my baby! You just need a Small bath with lavender oatmeal soap (made by my good friend Wendy at Lavame Clean) and Coconut Oil!!!"

I can say that just that a lone has helped her already. Her cheeks looks almost cleared, and her skin has calmed down a lot. I gotta say I love it! I love seeing the natural things in life work.

Praying tonight is a calm and restful night!
