Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weekend with no Tv is upon us...

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
~Philippians 4:8 NIV

As I prepare my family for the weekend of NO TV and MORE NATURAL LIVING (Outdoors and just family time with 110% focus on out relationship with each other and Christ) I start to think, how do you keep toddlers entertained for that long. Is that sad or what? Then I start thinking, what if we do NO TV from wake up - bed time (meaning parents get to watch TV LOL) ALL SUMMER LONG! Its a thought... I don't know if hubby will be too happy on his days off LOL. But think of HOW much you can get done with out distraction of TV... but anyways, I hope you do chose to join us in our NO TV weekend, I will say a prayer of staying strong and staying focused you your relationship with Christ, family and friends! It is worth every min... I strongly urge you to unplug and dive in!!! 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. ~Philippians 4:13



  1. We did this just this week...all week. It's been great! Better behavior all around from the kids, more 1-1 time with each other. It gave me a fresh perspective and reminded me to use the TV more cautiously. I even saw a renewed interest in pretend play with my oldest. It was refreshing!!

  2. Awesome! I am hoping for that too! Since we decreased I've seen my son be a little more calmer, and more focused. So I think we are going to start Monday with no TV at all, all summer long. Try on my husbands days off. Seems to help him and me out lol
