Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I am back and have LOTS to say!

Hello people! I am so excited to be back! After many lap top failures and breaking I am finally back up and running!!! I am looking forward to updating ALL of you on what is going on in our lives over here. And I have made notes about things to talk about once I got my blog back up. So get ready because they are coming together starting tomorrow!!
First I wannna say, I have enjoyed the different moms that come into our little crazy support group. The best thing about it, is that we don't judge and we have a group that is a variety of moms. I have had A LOT of new mommy's join my little mommy group.And I love that everyone supports everyone. We are always there for each other, and I look forward to the year to come with all the new mommies in our group.

A Secure Fortress

The wise woman builds her house,

    but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down
Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress,
    and for their children it will be a refuge
Proverbs 14:1&26

Working on my devotion this morning and opened my bible to Proverbs 14, and started reading. As I was reading I discovered Verse 1, I right away highlighted it. And start reading again, I stopped again at Verse 26. I completed the Chapter and started to go back over everything I highlighted, and underlined. I started noticing that I saw I focus on how to build your home, and lead your children. 
I quickly realized God was speaking to me, it had been awhile since I've gotten into a daily devotion. Over the summer I was trying to sleep in, do fun things, and I ignored my personal relationship with God. And it quickly showed, my personal life and motherhood. I started feeling depressed and not wanting to be around people or anything. And I dove right into daily devotions and filling my life with POSITIVE things. Enjoying my job as a House Wife and Stay at Home Mom. We also started home school so that means waking up before the kids and getting that quiet time with Jesus.

How do we create a Secure Fortress for our children

Simple, living our lives as an example. Daily Devotions, praying out loud and in private, living out the bible. And teaching them these things every day. 
