Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why I am a Crunchy mom.

The other day at a Dr's visit, I was called a Crunchy mom! Never thought I was a crunchy mom. But I guess I am and here is Why I chose to be THAT mom. Yes by that mom I mean, a Babywearing, cosleeping, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and homeschooling.
Well where to start? How about cosleeping, I will be honest. It wasn't my first idea, when I first started having children. I always imagined myself as a working mom and my kids in public school. But something changed the moment my son was laid in my arms. Something happened that I never though could happen: Motherhood. Motherhood does some crazy things to a woman. She becomes this person no one ever knew about. 
Well 6yrs ago I had a little (ok he was 10lbs at birth but he was still little) baby boy who I loved more than anything. But he didn't fit the cradle. His shoulders where too wide... and I couldn't put him in his crib yet, and our bedroom was way too small for a pack and play. So I chose the one thing left, cosleeping. Now a lot of older mom's gasp when I say I cosleep. Number one reason for them "it isn't safe". Well I have spoken to several drs over the past 6yrs, and read about it. And they all agree as long as you don't smoke, drink, take heavy narcotics, and your partner doesn't do any of those, it is safe. I will say, because baby #3 is the longest cosleeping baby, if I had a drink or like hubby, who one night took cold meds I slept on the supported chair with her. And usually if I sleep in the chair I have a firm grip and firm pillows. She's not rolling or able to get away. But I have found that cosleeping not only gets me sleep, but my kids and babies are so much happier. Now we do sleep train to give them independence, we don't have a family bed. Hubby has his rule, that I respect,  once they are walking and talking "you are not allowed in bed when daddy is in the bed sleeping". And I agree, now if they are to the point of breaking down, I will allow them to sleep in the room on the floor. But rarely have I had to do that. Cosleeping best thing I ever did I tell ya! 
Now to Babywearing, oh how I love to wear my babies. 
It's another personal choice that again some find it pointless and border line spoiling. And I laugh! The first time I wore my son it saved me so much stressful moments of "I can't do anything". Now some of them it didn't work out perfect and stress free while wearing (hint from my last blog "just let it go").  And I will say, some days Nessa hates it, but I chose to wear them because I can, and it is good for them. It gives them security and comfort when they are tiny,  and you burn extra calories, so it's a win win! Now since Kris I have become obsessed with baby wearing! I own/borrowed 2 slings, Boba Sleep Wrap and a moby, Ergo and a homemade sevens sling. And here is my opinion on it them: moby great for the first month (maybe more if you have small babies which I do not), and the Boba Sleep Wrap is great for larger babies and longer wrap wearing. Slings: Ring Slings are the BEST BEST BEST thing ever invented! Easier for breastfeeding and carrying to and from them car and being at church. Honestly the Maya Wrap sling is amazing! It has a pocket for your stuff, comfortable for baby and me,  and very easy to use!! And the Ergo, need I say more? Ok for those who don't know about an Ergo, it the most amazing carrier invented. I think it's better for when they are older, like 3 months. But it's a back saver, and a life saver. I do love this for park days and walking around the house. Then the most exciting thing this year, because my daughter loves to be worn. My mother bought me the Boba Hoodie, for my birthday! I haven't gotten it yet, but it's amazing looking. Man, I can't wait with the weather getting colder I can't be more excited. The homemade seven sling I've honestly never really been able to use, because my first was to big for it and baby #2 didn't like it. But I've had friends who loved it. So there are tons of baby wearing ideas!   
Now as you can see how the other things fall into place: cloth diapering and breastfeeding easy choice! It's better for them, and saves money! Now cloth diapers start out pricey but in the end saves money. And breastfeeding, while it isn't the easiest thing it's been a money saving, calorie burning, healthy for me and baby decision. 
And last but not least homeschool. 
The decision to homeschool wasnt the easiest, but to our family we knew it was the best decision for us. I have many many reasons why we homeschool but the main thing is to teach them God first, morals second and education last. I can say we've had the normal backlash, from people. And that's ok, I always say "it's what's best for our family". I can say my son is doing great, and my oldest girl is coming into schooling age and love it. I love watching them learn and grow. 
So this is why I am a "crunchy mom" lol. I pray you read some good information :) 

Just let it go!

So as most know me I have the hardest time letting go. Letting go of control and just letting it ride. The past 4 months have been the hardest, Yes Nessa is 3 months old but I count my 9th month in this post. It has been the hardest because for once I have a needy baby. Meaning she needs and only me! I love her dearly and look forward to our relationship but man can she wear me out.
Anyways today due to lack of sleep and behavior issues we summed the children to clean their rooms and organize them, while I figured we could do small projects. Well I started projects and Nessa would start fussing. If I held her she was happy and giggled. I tried the rock and play, floor gym, swing, even the Ergo. Nope, none of that worked, this girl wanted my full on attention. And no one was to get in her way.
As the day wore on my patience grew small, I wanted to accomplish something! Besides nursing, diapers and cooking. I do that every day, I really don't mind it but I wanted a project to complete. I wanted to feel validated by doing something that changed something in the house.
We sat down to dinner and we finished dinner and the kids ran off to finish their rooms before showers and bed, I looked at my husband and said "I just want to do something!" and he said something that 5yrs ago that would have started the biggest fight. "Sometimes you have to accept that you can't do much right now", now that ladies and gentlemen would have fired me off and made me say things disrespectful and hurtfull. Or maybe even not speak to him and just slam cabinets, or walk off to the bedroom with Nessa and act like he doesn't exist tonight. But because A- I have learned that doesn't solve anything B- God gave him to me, to lead me and be the voice of reason and C- I have learned to hear blue through pink after 10yrs of marriage (thank you to the study Love & Respect). Now I haven't perfected hearing blue through pink, so I am not the perfect wife who says "oh thank you dear! I love you all" the time. Sometimes I do step on his air hose and waits til he turns purple. But tonight, I heard God say "Listen! He's not saying accept it you won't be doing anything til she's self sufficient. He's saying I know it bothers you, I know it frustrates you that you are not going and being 'do it all mom' . But let it go and let me help you. Accept that you need me, it's ok."
And I listened and I heard, and I still tapped on the air hose a little with my disgruntled attitude. But I accepted and let it go. With being a mom of 3 now life hasn't been the easiest transition for me, but I still love every minute of it. And I know God will bring me through all of the trails of this new path of our life.