Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why I am a Crunchy mom.

The other day at a Dr's visit, I was called a Crunchy mom! Never thought I was a crunchy mom. But I guess I am and here is Why I chose to be THAT mom. Yes by that mom I mean, a Babywearing, cosleeping, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and homeschooling.
Well where to start? How about cosleeping, I will be honest. It wasn't my first idea, when I first started having children. I always imagined myself as a working mom and my kids in public school. But something changed the moment my son was laid in my arms. Something happened that I never though could happen: Motherhood. Motherhood does some crazy things to a woman. She becomes this person no one ever knew about. 
Well 6yrs ago I had a little (ok he was 10lbs at birth but he was still little) baby boy who I loved more than anything. But he didn't fit the cradle. His shoulders where too wide... and I couldn't put him in his crib yet, and our bedroom was way too small for a pack and play. So I chose the one thing left, cosleeping. Now a lot of older mom's gasp when I say I cosleep. Number one reason for them "it isn't safe". Well I have spoken to several drs over the past 6yrs, and read about it. And they all agree as long as you don't smoke, drink, take heavy narcotics, and your partner doesn't do any of those, it is safe. I will say, because baby #3 is the longest cosleeping baby, if I had a drink or like hubby, who one night took cold meds I slept on the supported chair with her. And usually if I sleep in the chair I have a firm grip and firm pillows. She's not rolling or able to get away. But I have found that cosleeping not only gets me sleep, but my kids and babies are so much happier. Now we do sleep train to give them independence, we don't have a family bed. Hubby has his rule, that I respect,  once they are walking and talking "you are not allowed in bed when daddy is in the bed sleeping". And I agree, now if they are to the point of breaking down, I will allow them to sleep in the room on the floor. But rarely have I had to do that. Cosleeping best thing I ever did I tell ya! 
Now to Babywearing, oh how I love to wear my babies. 
It's another personal choice that again some find it pointless and border line spoiling. And I laugh! The first time I wore my son it saved me so much stressful moments of "I can't do anything". Now some of them it didn't work out perfect and stress free while wearing (hint from my last blog "just let it go").  And I will say, some days Nessa hates it, but I chose to wear them because I can, and it is good for them. It gives them security and comfort when they are tiny,  and you burn extra calories, so it's a win win! Now since Kris I have become obsessed with baby wearing! I own/borrowed 2 slings, Boba Sleep Wrap and a moby, Ergo and a homemade sevens sling. And here is my opinion on it them: moby great for the first month (maybe more if you have small babies which I do not), and the Boba Sleep Wrap is great for larger babies and longer wrap wearing. Slings: Ring Slings are the BEST BEST BEST thing ever invented! Easier for breastfeeding and carrying to and from them car and being at church. Honestly the Maya Wrap sling is amazing! It has a pocket for your stuff, comfortable for baby and me,  and very easy to use!! And the Ergo, need I say more? Ok for those who don't know about an Ergo, it the most amazing carrier invented. I think it's better for when they are older, like 3 months. But it's a back saver, and a life saver. I do love this for park days and walking around the house. Then the most exciting thing this year, because my daughter loves to be worn. My mother bought me the Boba Hoodie, for my birthday! I haven't gotten it yet, but it's amazing looking. Man, I can't wait with the weather getting colder I can't be more excited. The homemade seven sling I've honestly never really been able to use, because my first was to big for it and baby #2 didn't like it. But I've had friends who loved it. So there are tons of baby wearing ideas!   
Now as you can see how the other things fall into place: cloth diapering and breastfeeding easy choice! It's better for them, and saves money! Now cloth diapers start out pricey but in the end saves money. And breastfeeding, while it isn't the easiest thing it's been a money saving, calorie burning, healthy for me and baby decision. 
And last but not least homeschool. 
The decision to homeschool wasnt the easiest, but to our family we knew it was the best decision for us. I have many many reasons why we homeschool but the main thing is to teach them God first, morals second and education last. I can say we've had the normal backlash, from people. And that's ok, I always say "it's what's best for our family". I can say my son is doing great, and my oldest girl is coming into schooling age and love it. I love watching them learn and grow. 
So this is why I am a "crunchy mom" lol. I pray you read some good information :) 

Just let it go!

So as most know me I have the hardest time letting go. Letting go of control and just letting it ride. The past 4 months have been the hardest, Yes Nessa is 3 months old but I count my 9th month in this post. It has been the hardest because for once I have a needy baby. Meaning she needs and only me! I love her dearly and look forward to our relationship but man can she wear me out.
Anyways today due to lack of sleep and behavior issues we summed the children to clean their rooms and organize them, while I figured we could do small projects. Well I started projects and Nessa would start fussing. If I held her she was happy and giggled. I tried the rock and play, floor gym, swing, even the Ergo. Nope, none of that worked, this girl wanted my full on attention. And no one was to get in her way.
As the day wore on my patience grew small, I wanted to accomplish something! Besides nursing, diapers and cooking. I do that every day, I really don't mind it but I wanted a project to complete. I wanted to feel validated by doing something that changed something in the house.
We sat down to dinner and we finished dinner and the kids ran off to finish their rooms before showers and bed, I looked at my husband and said "I just want to do something!" and he said something that 5yrs ago that would have started the biggest fight. "Sometimes you have to accept that you can't do much right now", now that ladies and gentlemen would have fired me off and made me say things disrespectful and hurtfull. Or maybe even not speak to him and just slam cabinets, or walk off to the bedroom with Nessa and act like he doesn't exist tonight. But because A- I have learned that doesn't solve anything B- God gave him to me, to lead me and be the voice of reason and C- I have learned to hear blue through pink after 10yrs of marriage (thank you to the study Love & Respect). Now I haven't perfected hearing blue through pink, so I am not the perfect wife who says "oh thank you dear! I love you all" the time. Sometimes I do step on his air hose and waits til he turns purple. But tonight, I heard God say "Listen! He's not saying accept it you won't be doing anything til she's self sufficient. He's saying I know it bothers you, I know it frustrates you that you are not going and being 'do it all mom' . But let it go and let me help you. Accept that you need me, it's ok."
And I listened and I heard, and I still tapped on the air hose a little with my disgruntled attitude. But I accepted and let it go. With being a mom of 3 now life hasn't been the easiest transition for me, but I still love every minute of it. And I know God will bring me through all of the trails of this new path of our life.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

An Amazing milestone in homeschool

It was a normal day of homeschool. We did our Bible time, devotion, math, spelling, and reading. His reading yesterday was amazing, which was a major improvement since September.
He first impressed me with reading his 20 words without a complaint or fear, then wrote his words I dictated to him. We finished out school with math worksheets that was fun.
We played til his daddy got home, did our normal evening routines. But this is where it all changed. I told him to pick a book for HIM to read. He of course picked the book he memorized, and I told him no. Without whining he picked another book, and this book he had never read before and it repeated the simple words.
He then sat with his dad, the first excitement was when he read "The"! This word has been the main cause of frustration. I don't know why but he struggled with it. Then he continued to read without crying or whining. He took time to sound things out and listen to instructions when it came to bigger words.
I sat by watching in amazement. To see him reading and to know we taught that to him. It's an unexplainable feeling of pride and amazement. Honestly I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I really can't wait to see what is next in our homeschool journey!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Woman Behind the Curtain

You open your Facebook and the first picture you see is that mom who's post are about her perfect children, her goals she's accomplished by 8am, which is everything you have on your to-do list from yesterday. And you think "must be nice" as you step over toys and laundry you haven't picked up yet to get to your coffee maker.
I am here to tell you if you look behind the curtain, that perfect mom is only a front for a normal mom. Just like the Wizard of Oz, you won't see the reality of her struggles til you pull back the curtains and see she is a normal mom. Motherhood is not the cleanest or easiest job there is. I think some have the illusion of TV mom's who's house is spotless, kids playing in the perfect yard, and she's making dinner from scratch in heels. Well ladies that it is NOT reality.
And I feel like moms are afraid to show real motherhood in the fear of judgement from "The Perfect Mother's" groups. But at the same time we are setting up failure for future mother's who thinks they are failing because their homes and Children are not perfect 100%.
We need to take a stand and show them reality. We all have Mondays on Wednesday and some times Thursday too, and our children have melt downs, and some times we have cheerios on our floors. Life isn't perfect, but that's ok.
As long as we have a fed, healthy, some what clean (insert a laugh) children you've done an amazing job today mom! And just know that for today, you are an amazing person who brought life into this world and you work hard to sustain that life. And if you don't hear these words from anyone today "you are amazing and wonderful and Thank you for choosing motherhood".
"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently,
    but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."  Proverbs 31:28-30

Back on The Wagon to a Simple Life

Now that I am finally feeling some what "normal" after having little Miss. I have started to notice that my children are overly stimulated and high energy. And for the longest time thought it was because I wasn't getting all their energy out.
Then today during quiet time while I was trying to get baby girl to nap, I read a couple blogs. One I read about "Becoming more Amish" and the second one was "The images we watch effect our hearts and minds".
The first one I read, I felt like God was speaking to me. Like he was telling me the plan he had for me and my family. So I laid out a plan in my head and prayed about it. I prayed for God to show me the path we should be one for a simple life.
Then this evening I called a family meeting after dinner and rooms where cleaned. And I laid out some small goals to start out our reattempt to a simple life.
Goal #1 -  When we rise, we get up and get dressed for the day (that includes teeth and hair). Then play using imagination and or arts and crafts.
I know part of this goal will be up to me to accomplish it. I pray to start becoming more functional, because since she came, I get up at 5am to nurse then fall back asleep, in the chair. And I am in the living room and just flip Mickey on and sleep while they watch cartoons once they get up. This has caused laziness on my part and for our day to be wasted.
Goal #2 - Limit TV and Nabi (tablet) to 1-2hrs a day. Every day when I say imagination time I hear "but I have NOTHING to do"... Well that's a lie, bc they have several toys in their room. I explained we are going to use more of our brain and more hand play. My son is really good at imagination time. He would play for hours, my daughter however is not because she plays for 20mins and comes out to ask is she done. I am going to work on them using their imagination and JUST play, and make stuff from simple things. Using their imagination full time!
Goal #3 - Calmer evenings and more family time. That really us goal #1 but I know it will be a couple grumpy nights bc they didn't get a lot of TV or Nabi.
I do understand that my goals seem simple, but at the end of my pregnancy and postpartum stage I formed really bad habits of TV and Nabi of unlimited. Yes it is easier to just sit them there so I can sleep, and do what I want. But the more I sat and watched my children slowly become the TV and technology obsess children. And it made me feel guilty and awful that it became this way. And I want to get our family to a simple life style. To erase the I wants, and the need for US to entertain them.

"A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life." Proverbs 13:7

I know God will guide our plans to his will. And I look forward to achieving our goals together as a family.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

School is where you are

Friday we explored our local Garden today, and I packed the magnifying glasses and nature journal. I figured it would be a great learning while having fun day.
We got to the butterfly house, and I was nursing my youngest, while the other 2 explored and "wrote"/drawed in their journal. When one lady, who was watching them explore freely, asked my son "how old are you?". He politely told her 6, she then looked at me, "shouldn't you be in school? Or does 1st grade do half days?" I smiled then my son jumped in "No I'm home schooled, I'm doing my work now... " and proceeded to educate her on All the butterflies in the Butterfly Garden.
It was a proud moment, that not only is he proud to be home schooled. But it was also that he paid so close to attention to what he learned that day he could teach them.
I love the fact that with home school, it isn't limited to being in the same area every day. It's about learning with what's around you, and learning where you are. And I love that they are proud about home school.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mother's 4 Mother's

As I sit nursing my baby girl, thinking of all my mom friends who are expecting and just had babies, I can't help but think "Are they doing ok?". As an experienced mom, and know the chaos and stress that can creep in. I try and keep up with them to make sure they are OK, and being the type of person I am if you call I am there. 
I can remember the day (8yrs ago)  I drove to see my sister, who just had Twins. I look and there she sat in the middle of the yard looking exhausted and overwhelmed. And I just looked at her listened and walked back in the house and loved on my nieces while she took a break. Sometimes you just need someone to listen, and help with just something.. 
Then almost 5yrs ago, I read the words as I walked out of Wednesday night worship "Can you please come over?"  from a good friend who just had her 1st baby, my first action was to call my husband and tell him I am going to be late. There was no question about it, she needed help and I was going to help her.
I have had my far shares of text, phone calls and cry out for help on facebook to mom friends,  "I am struggling HELP ME!". They have always been there for me too. 
And to me as a mom,  we should be there for other moms. We should reach out to help, not judge. We should lift each other up if they show up to a play date hours late and breakfast on their shirt, or completely together and kids following like little ducks. Mom's need mom's and we should stand by each other not against. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

A Glorious Blessing among the mess

Coming into my 7th week postpartum, I am looking around wondering first: "where did the time go?" second: "how am I still functioning".
I feel like we have been blessed to have such healthy children, but man can it go from 0 to 60 in seconds.
I've had many days where I just sit and think "what did I sign up for?" or the famous "I don't wanna do this anymore! ". But I've been reminded about focusing on my children and embracing the moments I still have with them. I at times look around trying to look pass the mess and love the blessings I have!
There are good days where I feel like superwoman and I can do everything I am suppose to do, then there are days I don't leave the couch because #3 is nursing, cranky or just needing me. 
And it's apart of motherhood, it's a messy, crazy yet an amazing blessing!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's Never too late!

I wanted to share my story of Breastfeeding. My daughter (baby #3) was born 8/2 at 10lbs. At the hospital we struggled and fought for breastfeeding. Because I wasn't able to nurse my other 2,

  I figured last baby (that's my plan but whatever God has planned) fight like heck! Her blood sugar levels dropped, so we supplement with formula. After 3hrs with a nursery nurse, she latched. We went home and continued to struggle for supply and successful latch. Finally after 1.5wks we decided it was over. We thought "My body just wasn't meant to breastfeed", as I failed with the other 2 too.
One of my friends who is a Midwife (Renea) talked with me, and helped us through decisions. She also noted she had a lip tie and tongue tie. She asked if we would be interested in having her evaluated for lip tie or tongue tie. She helped me restart my supply, and practice latching.
We did a week of this, and then she introduced me to Cathy, a International Board certified lactation consultant. She came to my house Monday (8/8), she spent time with me and my daughter, evaluating everything from her to me. She set up a plan to continue increasing my milk and successful latching. Since that appointment I have pumped and had my daughter latching and bringing milk down. We still are having her evaluated for tongue tie, but she is doing great. We've managed to have several latches and pumped about an ounce since Monday. 

But this is to all the mama's it is NEVER TO LATE! Talk about your issues, support one another and most important: Look into lactation consulting. I pray this encourages all mama's out there, to keep fighting and get help when you feel like something isn't right.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The JOYS gardening season!

 Oh the joys of warmer temperature! And smells and sites of FRESH VEGGIES and Beautiful flowers!
I can't be more excited about this year, our garden has done very well so far. We've harvest 2 bags of romaine, our strawberries are blooming, and best yet the cucumbers and tomatoes look VERY VERY promising!

This year gardening has taken a little more time to do, due to pregnancy but my kids couldn't be more excited to help when they can!
My daughter helped this year with planting the plants, and she thought it was amazing! Now she looks every day at the garden and sees them changing and blooming.

I love their excitement over the fresh produce that has sprouted. I look forward to seeing what the summer holds (besides a newest Blessing to our family!)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Oh Baby!

Thanking God for answered Prayers! As many may know we suffered what is considered a chemical pregnancy in Oct/Nov. Which where your body thinks its pregnant, but you really are not. We made a decision to wait and try again after the holiday so there wouldn't be another heart break. And on November 20th 2013, I didn't think I was pregnant, considering we weren't going to try again til after the new year. But thought "oh what the hey! Lets test"... And i was completely shocked when this appeared on the stick. I think I just starred for a while in complete disbelief. This time we kept it a complete secret from the kids, because last time we told them early and had to shatter their hearts.
Our appointment was set for the day before Christmas Eve, and I couldn't wait to see our sweet bean, and to confirm everything was ok. And it was! Everything was perfect, little heartbeat and everything. It was amazing! We told the kids that evening once we got home. They seemed a little shy about reacting til I showed them the Ultrasound, and pointed out there was a heart beat, a head and body. After that moment, they have been excited and amazed about all things.
The most amazing moment about the pregnancy was when my son asked me about what the baby is doing. And I googled a video that is Christian based, that explains a baby's development ( ). And he started to tear up once he saw what a miracle life truly is! He can't wait to meet the baby and feel the baby move. I look forward to what our life will be with 3 beautiful blessings!

Monday, January 6, 2014


So I have been officially working towards my goal of Natural living with food for 1yr, and completely living naturally for 2 years come May 2014. And I was asked about my story, and I thought I would update on my blog and do a little story telling. I have been slowly adapting to the natural living, because I knew I couldn't do a giant leap with me being a mother of 2 (almost 3) and a wife. I would need to slowly make the changes and change to menu as well. So here is my story, I hope you enjoy!

Back in 2012, I was looking into becoming a little more natural. Less chemical, less dyes, less wasting money. I started googling things about how to save on making items, and the first thing I came up with was detergent. I realized adding another member to our family I was washing A LOT more clothes and going through detergent like it was water. And I also noticed HALF the ingredients I could not pronounce! So I started reading up on different things, and I started to realize that it was the easiest thing ever to make. I went to the store and made my first batch of laundry detergent! And I can say  I make it every 6mths, for the amount of laundry I do, that's amazing.

I started to look into other things through our household, I have a whole binder full of DIY cleaning products. I finally made the transition over to our food, with just making my own bread started a whole new life for our family. I started making cookies, pizza crust, and then Chinese food. Everything I started to make from scratch, or some-what from scratch. I got so involved with natural living that I was OVERLY excited about a class our church started, Treasures of Healthy Living.

The class, Treasures of Healthy Living is what really started my journey to Natural, Clean Living!  It opened my eyes to so many things, so my things that was in our home, in our food, and unfortunately in our bodies at this point. At this point of my journey the words "What are we passing down to our kids" just completely rang through out my mind. I am the person that teaches my children, I am the cook for my kids, and what I buy them, for the most part, they eat. And I successfully finished my first PERIMETER SHOPPING this past weekend (Jan, 4th 2014). And I couldn't be happier. My kids have for the most part enjoyed it, the cooking, tasting new things, making cleaning supplies, and picking out new soaps from our favorite natural living company - Lavame Clean  .

I have successfully started a new journey again, trying new clean eating things. I found a wonderful book that went a long with Treasure Healthy Living concept, called Trim Healthy Mama. It is based on eating smarter and clean! And I loved reading it, and getting started we had a major surprise come up. This past November 2013, we found out we where pregnant with baby #3. And I started looking into Baby Natural Living! I look forward to the new journey, and the more learning to go around it. Since the whole transition, I have enjoyed every moment of the change. I lost about 12lbs since starting the natural living and the gym, and holding at only 8lbs gained so far at 11wks pregnant.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my story, my journey and the wonderful journey that God had laid out in front of me so far.  

The few, the proud, the way to teach

Wow! What a morning with schooling! For the past month I have been praying to God "Lord please help me teach my son! He is struggling to learn how to read and I feel like I can't win! HELP ME!". I felt like all he ever did was cry and refuse to read. I felt completely defeated because I felt like I was failing at home school.
Today we started home school after the long Christmas break, and the same thing started. The melt down! So I finally got real with this child, I looked him dead in the face and said the most meaningful words I could come up with.
"If you don't learn to read, you don't graduate. If you don't graduate you can not join the military! (his eyes got really big) You don't graduate you can't be a police officer because you can't read them their rights."
At that moment, he got real about learning to read. He read not only 15 words, he also done it without crying, whining, and in 12mins!! That is amazing, because it took one day an hour to read 3 words.

I thank God for our major break through!
