Tuesday, September 23, 2014

School is where you are

Friday we explored our local Garden today, and I packed the magnifying glasses and nature journal. I figured it would be a great learning while having fun day.
We got to the butterfly house, and I was nursing my youngest, while the other 2 explored and "wrote"/drawed in their journal. When one lady, who was watching them explore freely, asked my son "how old are you?". He politely told her 6, she then looked at me, "shouldn't you be in school? Or does 1st grade do half days?" I smiled then my son jumped in "No I'm home schooled, I'm doing my work now... " and proceeded to educate her on All the butterflies in the Butterfly Garden.
It was a proud moment, that not only is he proud to be home schooled. But it was also that he paid so close to attention to what he learned that day he could teach them.
I love the fact that with home school, it isn't limited to being in the same area every day. It's about learning with what's around you, and learning where you are. And I love that they are proud about home school.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mother's 4 Mother's

As I sit nursing my baby girl, thinking of all my mom friends who are expecting and just had babies, I can't help but think "Are they doing ok?". As an experienced mom, and know the chaos and stress that can creep in. I try and keep up with them to make sure they are OK, and being the type of person I am if you call I am there. 
I can remember the day (8yrs ago)  I drove to see my sister, who just had Twins. I look and there she sat in the middle of the yard looking exhausted and overwhelmed. And I just looked at her listened and walked back in the house and loved on my nieces while she took a break. Sometimes you just need someone to listen, and help with just something.. 
Then almost 5yrs ago, I read the words as I walked out of Wednesday night worship "Can you please come over?"  from a good friend who just had her 1st baby, my first action was to call my husband and tell him I am going to be late. There was no question about it, she needed help and I was going to help her.
I have had my far shares of text, phone calls and cry out for help on facebook to mom friends,  "I am struggling HELP ME!". They have always been there for me too. 
And to me as a mom,  we should be there for other moms. We should reach out to help, not judge. We should lift each other up if they show up to a play date hours late and breakfast on their shirt, or completely together and kids following like little ducks. Mom's need mom's and we should stand by each other not against. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

A Glorious Blessing among the mess

Coming into my 7th week postpartum, I am looking around wondering first: "where did the time go?" second: "how am I still functioning".
I feel like we have been blessed to have such healthy children, but man can it go from 0 to 60 in seconds.
I've had many days where I just sit and think "what did I sign up for?" or the famous "I don't wanna do this anymore! ". But I've been reminded about focusing on my children and embracing the moments I still have with them. I at times look around trying to look pass the mess and love the blessings I have!
There are good days where I feel like superwoman and I can do everything I am suppose to do, then there are days I don't leave the couch because #3 is nursing, cranky or just needing me. 
And it's apart of motherhood, it's a messy, crazy yet an amazing blessing!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's Never too late!

I wanted to share my story of Breastfeeding. My daughter (baby #3) was born 8/2 at 10lbs. At the hospital we struggled and fought for breastfeeding. Because I wasn't able to nurse my other 2,

  I figured last baby (that's my plan but whatever God has planned) fight like heck! Her blood sugar levels dropped, so we supplement with formula. After 3hrs with a nursery nurse, she latched. We went home and continued to struggle for supply and successful latch. Finally after 1.5wks we decided it was over. We thought "My body just wasn't meant to breastfeed", as I failed with the other 2 too.
One of my friends who is a Midwife (Renea) talked with me, and helped us through decisions. She also noted she had a lip tie and tongue tie. She asked if we would be interested in having her evaluated for lip tie or tongue tie. She helped me restart my supply, and practice latching.
We did a week of this, and then she introduced me to Cathy, a International Board certified lactation consultant. She came to my house Monday (8/8), she spent time with me and my daughter, evaluating everything from her to me. She set up a plan to continue increasing my milk and successful latching. Since that appointment I have pumped and had my daughter latching and bringing milk down. We still are having her evaluated for tongue tie, but she is doing great. We've managed to have several latches and pumped about an ounce since Monday. 

But this is to all the mama's it is NEVER TO LATE! Talk about your issues, support one another and most important: Look into lactation consulting. I pray this encourages all mama's out there, to keep fighting and get help when you feel like something isn't right.