Friday, December 21, 2012

Mary mother of Jesus

As we prepare for Christmas, it makes me not only think about Jesus, coming to Earth. But it also got me thinking about Mary. Mary a teenager, yet chosen by God to carry HIS son. I just can't imagine the joy that went through her mind, that she is carrying God's son. The promise child...

"But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:30-33
But to raise such a "perfect" boy, and to have to think of how to raise such an amazing child. Just to sit and watch him be cursed and spat upon, betrayed and cruicified. I think back to the "Passion of the Christ" where Mary saw Jesus fall to the ground while carrying the cross, and she flashes back to when he was a child playing and falling scrapping his knee. She swiftly picks him up and holds him as any mother would do. But this time, she can't fix it, and she can't reach him. To know the pain, and grief she must have bared while watching her first born, hanging in pain and can't do anything to fix it!   

"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene" John 19:25

Do you think if she knew even for a split second what would have come, would she have done it? I do, because she had that heart of trust, she found FAVOR WITH GOD. God knew she was strong enough, faithful enough. God knew that he could trust his ONE AND ONLY son to her. A small baby in the beginning and Savior in the End...
 "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end." Luke 1:32-33

Merry Christmas to All

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jesus, THE I AM

Have you ever sat there in wonder about how to approach Jesus in prayer? Or wonder what do I say because I have so much to say? I have, today actually and I just started naming the names of Jesus. I didn't know what to say this morning, I had a lot of my heart, and when I started saying the names of Jesus I realized


I don't have to worry about what I am saying. I might be just saying names, but Jesus is hearing all the paragraphs my heart is feeling. And how amazing is that? As I am going through my head about this topic I keep hearing the song "Great I am", it talks about demons fleeing at the sound of HIS name, and Mountains shake when before HIM! 
   I can't even grasp the POWER of just saying


I hope you find comfort in the one true comforter, and go to HIM even if you don't know what to say, how to say it. Even if you are just sitting in silence. Know that he is All Knowing.

"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God." Psalm 59:16-17


Monday, December 10, 2012

To computer or not to computer

Today we decided to do our first lesson VIA computer. Thought it might be fun, teaching Kris to use the computer (not a touch screen tablet, which has mastered pretty much). And he did great! We did a few fun things on this website my sister told me about, and it was fun (we did I think all the FREE stuff we could). At one point I stepped away to make breakfast and let Kris try it without help from me.

The part that had me torn was, that I want my kid to have the basics of learning as much as possible, and not be addicted to spell check and technology. And to use paper and books, as well as find a love for writing.

 I am not obsessed with it but I have discovered that I have become dependent on technology too much. And I have taken steps to "unplug" from it (which is why its taken me awhile to post a new blog) as much as possible.

I know the world is computer, tablets, cell phones etc. And my children will learn ALL of those. But I want to give them the basics first, and branch from there. Kris thought it was pretty cool and wants to continue learning alittle here and there. And I hope we can find more and more to learn on here! But for now I think we will find a GREAT balance with a slow introduction to computers and technology, with a base of paper and books.

**If you would like to post how your family introduced your kids into computers please do below**


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Heavenly wisdom

  "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." James 3:5

So today, I read in my devotions about the Tongue and how harmful something so tiny can destroy everything in its path when used for harm. And something so tiny can be so powerful. 
How can we  tame something that no man can tame? How can we change our simple mean, hateful remarks to praises and encouraging words?

I have done much prayer this morning about it, I know there are times when I am simply don't mean harm but it comes out mean. Because it was sarcastic or meant as a joke but said wrong. And definitely did some damage. I am starting to try and speak in encouraging and kind words to not only my husband and children but to everyone. But reading this chapter today really showed me how powerful and distructive the tongue is and can be. 
And when you really think about it, how can we Praise God one moment, and next whip out an insult, discouraging word, or a sarcastic comment to someone? 
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness." James 3:9

I know after reading this I really started thinking about all the times I've done that. Posting on Facebook about a Godly moment with my children, or stating how GOD IS GOOD. Then speak to a friend or husband with not so praise worthy thing. 

Amazing how you set out to do something and you open your Bible to find the exact thing that you need. When it says it is the Manual for Life it is no joke. You can find anything in there. Amazing isn't?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It was like a dream :)

 So today we played outside at the park for an amazing 5hrs! It was amazing.. the warm weather and the beautiful leaves falling everywhere!
Oh it was like a dream...
 Sitting on a rock, wind blowing, leaves falling, and sunshining. 
Seeing all the amazing colors around us.. how often do we ignore all the beauty because we are too busy? The Earth, the colors of the Earth, the Sunshine, and the air. Everyday He paints a new picture in the sky, the plants of the Earth.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones ordominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. ~Col 1:16

The kids running around screaming out of laughter and joy. And to see them getting so worn out they fall asleep in the car!

I took the day to enjoy all that is around us. I was like a breath of fresh air. Loved every minute of it, and so did the kids. Kris explained to me that we should do this more often, and I agree 100%!

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.~3 John 1:4

Monday, December 3, 2012

Teaching responsibility

 Double Blog today! I was justing here going through some stuff for our shool lessons and my son comes out "Mom, I cleaned up now I'm going to lay down ok?", for those who are knew, he's 4.. this was music to my ears! We have a visitor today so kris's room is being used by an amazing little guy, so Kris got to stay out in the living room to play independently. So he cleaned up the blocks and I laid him down in our room. But this simple sentence just spoke words of joy! That I taught my kids to clean up after themselves and do simple things like load and unload the dishwasher. THEN I started looking through pictures, and I have taken the simpliest things that I do everyday and captured moments. Moments of my children working, serving and doing it with a SMILE and JOY!
Lena - unloading
Lena puting spoons away
 I know as a mom, its just a simple thing like seeing them doing their own chores brings joy. And to hear
"Mom can I help you" 
And wash dishes 
Just gives me warm fuzzies! I pray every day a servants heart is born more and more as they get older! I also want to encourage you as a parent to not hold back responsibility, and encourage them to serve EVERYONE whenever they can!
Kris helping his dad do dishes

Kris rolling out dough
Helping make Calzones

Yea he helps load groceries
 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
 Prov 22:6

Journey to find ones self.. WARNING open honesty inside

So today I start a new journey. A journey that hopefully will help me in finding what I am desiring! A desire to be ok with what God gives me, to be ok with HIS plans and NOT my own. And a healthier relationship with God, my family and me.

I have tried filling A LOT of my time with ME, THEY and just stuff. I try and plan play dates, girls night, me time, my time, kids time, husband time, dates, shopping trips etc. And when I do all this stuff, I forget 3 things: God, Jesus and Spirit. I forget to schedule God Time, Jesus Time and feed the Spirit. I teach my son (and show example to my daughter) about Jesus and how awesome God is, and I teach them Jesus loves me, but I forget to get up and get down in the word. The Word that is meant for daily nurishing.

So much so I started to have an internal battle with myself, and it showed. It showed with frustration towards my kids, frustration with my husband. I was the same (kind of) on the outside. Smiles, love, and when out in public utter respect for my husband. But when I was at home, I don't know if it showed on the outside, but I know I wasn't on the inside having the warm fuzzy feelings on the inside. Yes I loved him, and my children, they are my gifts from God. I, sometimes, hated the idea of being a mom 24/7, focusing on them all the time, being the sole schedule keeper 24/7, cleaning a house a thousand times a day with out help at times, making 3 meals a day for 3-4 people, even though one of them isn't even going to eat it. And desiring something that seems almost, basically out of reach because I am to respect decisions made even though its not what I want. I tried the vent to every friend I could find that would just listen and not give me biblical answers because I was mad, and frustrated. Then I tried just being silent and focus on raising my child and moving on. But it seemed to only fester announce toward my children.

Then one day, I started feeling tired and sick on and off. Thinking it was just simply, taking a vitamin without real food, ignored it and powered through the usual cleaning and cooking day. At the moment, what I thought was just a vitamin making me sick, turned into 3 FULL days of exhasution, migrains, dry heaves and what could only be described as false pregnancy syptoms. I couldn't understand what was going on, but I felt sick, but not flu sick. All I know is what ever it was, it wasn't fun.

That Saturday, doing what I do best when working emotional moments out, I reorganized my bedroom. I changed the clutter looking, path blocking, conflict causing room into a open, free flowing, no one is in anyones way, room. And had a moment with me and God.... YES the time I spent moving, pushing heavy furniture (one LARGE solid wood sewng cabinet), cleaning and dusting I had a conversation with God. And it hit me, I haven't spent time with Him, and I haven't been caring for the one that means the most, My SPIRITUAL self. I havent even taken the time to develop this relationship I teaching my kids about. So I prayed, looking into what stops me... and as usual laziness. I decided to need to WAKE UP! Stop being lazy and sleeping like I have nothing to do, I have 2 kids, a husband and a house hold to run. Stop your whining of life is too hard and GET UP, get dressed in the quiet, and devotion about my day and it will be better! I know it sounds "mean" or "hard" to say that to myself, but that is how I have to talk to myself. I am not the tell me kindly person, I have to be told "Get yourself together its not about you sweetie!". And amazingly I remember a sweet lady studying James and all of the goodness it brought. So this morning I woke at 5:50am, stretched, got dressed, made my bed, made coffee, kissed my husband goodbye for the day, grabbed my good old fashion bible (nothing like holding the word of God in your hands) and opened to James Chapter 1, and there it was highlighted from before but never in my mind meant for me at the time of first reading it, but STOOD out like a caution sign on the side of the road:
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
James 1:12

I encourage you to
"Stop your whining of life is too hard and GET UP" 
Get up and work on the connection that makes life enjoyable!


Monday, November 19, 2012

I talk to God

So the past month, I have been talking to Kris (my oldest) about a relationship with Christ. And why its important to say prayers and thank God for what we are given. And he has an amazing understanding, that sometimes I wish I had. We started talking about what he means when he says "God told me", when he says things that we have never even talked about. He said "Mom, you know. God talks to me, when I really listen.". I looked puzzled the day we talked about what names mean, when we studied Isaiah, and I asked him "Kris, do you know what your name means?". "Yes, it means I love Christ" I looked at him because I couldn't believe the amount of understanding for a 4yr old. His name means "Christ Follower", I asked him "how did you now that?" And he simply said "God told me, I listened and he told me" It truly is the honest truth! I love to see him just speak the truth, and have no fear to say "I love God and HE is awesome you know". I pray everyday that he continues to serve God and LOVE God so fearlessly and boldly!
"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3-4

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I am back and have LOTS to say!

Hello people! I am so excited to be back! After many lap top failures and breaking I am finally back up and running!!! I am looking forward to updating ALL of you on what is going on in our lives over here. And I have made notes about things to talk about once I got my blog back up. So get ready because they are coming together starting tomorrow!!
First I wannna say, I have enjoyed the different moms that come into our little crazy support group. The best thing about it, is that we don't judge and we have a group that is a variety of moms. I have had A LOT of new mommy's join my little mommy group.And I love that everyone supports everyone. We are always there for each other, and I look forward to the year to come with all the new mommies in our group.

A Secure Fortress

The wise woman builds her house,

    but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down
Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress,
    and for their children it will be a refuge
Proverbs 14:1&26

Working on my devotion this morning and opened my bible to Proverbs 14, and started reading. As I was reading I discovered Verse 1, I right away highlighted it. And start reading again, I stopped again at Verse 26. I completed the Chapter and started to go back over everything I highlighted, and underlined. I started noticing that I saw I focus on how to build your home, and lead your children. 
I quickly realized God was speaking to me, it had been awhile since I've gotten into a daily devotion. Over the summer I was trying to sleep in, do fun things, and I ignored my personal relationship with God. And it quickly showed, my personal life and motherhood. I started feeling depressed and not wanting to be around people or anything. And I dove right into daily devotions and filling my life with POSITIVE things. Enjoying my job as a House Wife and Stay at Home Mom. We also started home school so that means waking up before the kids and getting that quiet time with Jesus.

How do we create a Secure Fortress for our children

Simple, living our lives as an example. Daily Devotions, praying out loud and in private, living out the bible. And teaching them these things every day. 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When I grow up....

"When I grow up I want to be a Rock Scientist, tow truck driver, who creates a telescope to see God in Heaven. With a dog like Puka to sit up front with me" - Kris 2012
Today is our first day of preschool, and we have had some fun already! The day we decided to home school, I doubted my decision, and felt like "what was I thinking?". Many times I thought it would be easier just to let them go to public school, and let the "paid professionals" do it.
And then God stepped in and said

"Listen my child, you are designed to raise, teach and guide your children. Take it one step at a time, and allow me guide your lessons. You won't regret it." 

And the moment we started to talk about Home school, and how we will be learning at home as a family, Kris hasn't stopped talking about it. His pure excitement is what drives me to teach him, more and more!

 And today, was wonderful! We went over Genesis 1:1, about how God created light and dark, for our bible lesson. Then we went over the letter A, how to write and discover words that start with A.

After we discover the FUN with learning to write, he wanted to go ahead and write his name. Now because he has such a long name, it took a little extra GRACE and PATIENCE. But every letter he wrote he continued to say

"LOOK, I did it! Thanks Mom"

This is the best reward I could ask for :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

I can train to be a Warrior of GOD

Kris has been working hard to earn his "God's Armor", and he decided to give up his train table to buy the "God's Armor"... As he explained to the lady in the check out,  
"I sold my train table so I could buy the God Armor so I can train to be a Warrior of God."
He's ready to go from a Knight and Shinning Armor to be a Warrior of God. I don't know if it is possible to be more proud of my son than I already am :)
To know that my son is already aware of  the importance of Heaven treasures :) and is desiring to work towards earning his treasures.
I love the eagerness my son has to know God, and become closer to him
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Its ok because its big hands

 I was in my daughters room, getting her room ready for bed time. When I heard my son say
"Thanks dad for helping me. You can't hold the bag and just use one hand dad to pick up"
and Kevin responded
"It's Ok because its a big hand". 
And it just stopped me in my tracks! I can't believe on so many levels how that spoke to me.
It was a simple reminder that we should Let Go and Let God
 To listen and understand that God is just simply saying
"It's OK because My Hands are Big Enough for you"
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble"
Psalms 46:1


Monday, August 20, 2012

Her arms are strong...

Every morning I wake to a list of things to do, and no matter what I feel waking up, it is my job to complete the task at hand. God designed us women to take on multiple tasks and to take care of our family. I know its a hard job, but God designed us with strong arms to accomplish the task.
"She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks."
Proverbs 31:17
I love when people ask me when do I find time in my day to complete everything, it is simple... I don't sit ( laughing ) or nap. I plan out my task either the night before or in my head as I sleep. I know it sounds crazy but when I sleep I work out schedules, Sunday outfits and basically everything else. My normal schedule is when I wake, I set all activities to God. I ask him for the strength, energy and time to complete all items set ahead.

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength."~Philippians 4:13

With out Christ guiding each and every moment it seems impossible to get things done. And there are moments where in my mind I have plans set ahead, but God takes me on a detour for relaxation and moments to reflect on my week. Sometimes I fight him, but then I am reminded:

“Be still, and know that I am God;"~Psalms 46:10
After turning all things to Christ, I start with the list. I try to take the morning to spend with my kids. Because out of all things, my kids come first! Then if they are playing independently, I try and knock out something small and simple. After lunch/play date/family time I start with the BIG items on the list at nap/quiet time. I usual keep going til its all done, and then from there the evening takes over. Gym/Dinner, bath, play time, bed time. Now just because the kids go to bed, don't mean its bed time for me some times. I try and work as fast so I can spend time with my husband. As he is just important!
I hope this all inspired you to continue to feel STRONG and CONFIDENT because God Designed you to be strong for the task ahead!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Never stop touching

 Listening to K-LOVE today, and I heard a story about a funeral they attended. And an elderly mans wife passed away after they have been married for 50years. And they where talking to the man, and at that time,  the wife of the DJ telling the story, came up behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder, and the widower eye widened. And thinking something happened, they asked what was wrong. And the widower told them to

"Never stop touching. Always hug, hold hands, tap on the shoulder but never stop touching. You never know when it will be the last".

And I was speechless. I found it hard to imagine not having my husbands hand to hold. To no longer have him embrace me when he gets home. Its the smallest things we take for granted. And I don't think I could ever imagine that day. And I pray I never have to imagine that day. But then I truly think about it, it is the BEST advice ever! I've been given A LOT of advice in my 8yrs of marriage, but this is the 2nd best advice I have been given.

Stop... and hug your spouse someone today and every day!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Baby Fever

I am in the most difficult place a woman with baby fever could be. I want one more, but hubby is good with 2. I am very respectful of his decision, but won't give up hope. That is God wants us to have more He will make way! And a lot of people have ask why I would want more. Here is my answer, ever since I was a nanny to 3 wonderful kids, I wanted 3 children of my own. And then when I had my own, I loved being pregnant, and labor wasn't too bad either. But its more than just pregnancy and having a lot of children. Its the fact that my kids are amazing little people, and I love them so much. They bring so much to my life I could never describe.
 But the most important reason is my husband. He is such an amazing Father to my children. The leadership and the dedication to provide and raise our children, just amazes me. To watch him day in and day out, just makes me want more with him. And see what we together (with God) have made, with creating 2 beautiful children, but also raising well behaved, strong Christian children. I don't want surplus children because its the "cool thing" to do (as some has so rudely pointed out), I want children because its God's reward to us as husband and wife. To have a heritage to pass down to our children of a family that is based on Christ, loving and happy. 
"Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.
 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are children born in one’s youth.
 Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them."
Psalms 127:3-5

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Housewife.. Or more?

So I was thinking the other day about what my role as a wife, and stay at home mother. I really started thinking to all the women I speak to day in and day out. And it always comes back to "he never helps" or "he didn't do the one job he's responsible for after he got home from work". And here's my response "Why should he?", honestly why should he come home from work and clean? As a stay at home wife/mother it is my job, to take care of the house, dinner, laundry and children. Do I always enjoy it? No, who does? Do I still ask for help? YES! But it is NOT he's responsibility to do house work, once he comes home when I've been home all (part) day. Now I do have bad days where I just need help, and he jumps in and helps every time.
Now, for those who thinks I sound "old fashion" or "caveman" talk, that ok for you but hear me out. And this is my personal opinion and you don't have to like it, and you don't have take it as a life style. But I believe that when you become a stay at home mom/wife, the house, laundry, children, and food becomes your responsibility and your full time job! It to me clearly, in my mind, laid out in Proverbs 31  We where designed to be in this position. The days that you spend cleaning the house, and your husband comes home, does it not feel rewarding to see him happy? 
With that said, think about what happens when you take the stress of housework off his plate? You become more than just a housewife, you become more to him. You become a vital part of his life in whole. You start allowing him to become more important in your life as well. You stop being a nag and more of an encouragement, "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." Proverbs 21:9 & "Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife." Proverbs 21:19 (yes God felt it was THAT important he talked about twice in one chapter!), Your also stop stressing because you have things in order and can focus on your relationship. I encourage you if you want to, to step up and start becoming more than just a housewife. Become more of an encourager and a happy wife.

Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character

                              Proverbs 31:10-31

10 [b]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:

29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate


Little Person BIG voice!

On our way home, my kids asked for Veggie Tales. And we drove home, enjoying listening to my children singing Veggie Tales. God just amazes me more and more, the older my children get. My son from the back of the seat gave the speech to me.

Mom, do you know why God is awesome? Because he can anything! And he loves from far far far away, and protects like he's here on Earth! He will protect us from everything, the dark... thunderstorms... bad dreams... and anything we fear. Isn't he awesome!"
I mean wow, from the mouth of children. I love the fact that my son, has voice that he wants heard! But the most important thing, he seemed to be speaking straight to my heart. From a little person came a BIG voice.. God's voice. I love this!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Swap til you drop!


And boy did we do that on Saturday!

This was an amazing set up! The vendors where amazingly kind, helpful, full of FREEBIES and amazing items in the swag bags!

I went there with the stock pile in mind, grab what you can and get out! It is a packed house! But it turned into fellowship with grab what you can! Moms helping moms out with sizing the "next size" sizing and helping find what they are looking for! My son is so oddly sized, it was hard looking at first, he's a 3T pants and 5T top (sometimes Small) and a mom stopped her shopping to help me out! I mean to stop grabbing basically FREE clothes to help a mom out. That was awesome!
And the staff there was amazing, pointing out boxes and bags not hung up (because there was so much out already) before you walked out. I don't I could ask for a better "shopping" experience!
I am so looking forward to the next one! 
Start boxing kids clothes and shoes now and come out and join us!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I am WHO'S I am

With the headlines filled with Chick-fil-a supporting traditional marriage, us as Christian's.may haven been hit with insults, slams, and rejection from friends. We as a family we have been attacked from even family. But we have to remember something very important:
 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason." John 18:18-25
 Its hard when we get hit from left and right, when we get judged because we are Politically Incorrect. God's word stands, and I stand behind my God, I have repeated to many that I am "Politically Incorrect" and that I am WHO'S I am, and I won't change. I have made a stand that a marriage is to be ONE man and ONE woman. I don't hate you as a person, please don't hate me because I am not on your side.

Genesis 2:21-25 "So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."
1 Corinthians 7:2 "But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband."
"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." Hebrews 13:4

Keep strong, stay firm on God's word!
Respectfully Politically Incorrect,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

you're all that I see

Running on the elliptical, feeling like I'm going to fall out (Its been almost a week), and here comes a song that I haven't heard in awhile on my MP3 player..
"My Angel without wings" by Unwritten Law
 looking into your eyes
  i see all i want to be 
i don't want it to end 
if i could only put to words the way i see you  
i only know i have an angel with me now
and when i fall asleep  
you're all that i see 
you're in my thoughts 
and all of my prayers  
i wish i could be all that you mean to me
my angel without wings my angel
i wish you could see 
all that you mean to me 
but i can never find the words to tell you
and when i fall asleep  
you're all that i see 
you're in my thoughts  
and all of my prayers  
i wish i could be  
all that you mean to me 
and when i fall asleep 
you're all that i see  
you're in my thoughts 
and all of my prayers 
i wish i could be all that you mean to me my angel without wings
It's a song a long time ago, my husband told me, this was my song when we where dating... And for it to come on at that moment made pushing through that much easier!
Small things like that he does makes me smile. I mean it is something so simple as sneaking songs in a MP3 player so special, and means the world to me.
He means the world to me, 8 yrs later and he still has a way to make my heart skip a beat

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Behind every strong man is supportive woman!

 "Have you ever considered that your husband has similar notions of what his dream wife would be like? As a little not he probably didn't sit around reading fairy tales about becoming a prince -- a warrior, maybe-- but not the neat-and-tidy young man who placed his lips upon Snow White's to wake her from a cursed sleep."
~ Becoming the Woman of His Dreams by Sharon Jaynes
I came across this book, I was in the search of how do I become the "Ideal Wife", and how do open my eyes and heart to God's plan of being the Woman of His Dreams. I read a little section of it. I giggled when I read this! It seemed so true! As a wife I never thought about it that way before. Then I see my son, and yes he knows fairy tales, but all he sees is a Knight, who fights stinky dragons and goes to battle who protects. He never says look how clean and sweet that prince is! And that's our men! They see WARRIOR & DEFENDER, when they where kids. We've been thinking of the perfect mate forever, but our husbands never thought about it til teens or when he met you! As I was reading this book, I found it interesting! It talked about everything I always have been asking!
"The woman of your man's dreams prays for him, respects him, adores him, initiates intimates friendship with him, safeguards her marriage, encourages him, and sexually fulfills him. While each man is as different as the prints on his fingertips, these 7 qualities were universal."

~ Becoming the Woman of His Dreams by Sharon Jaynes
I spoke to a few women I look up to, and they ALL seem to say the same thing. First, be his support, even though you don't understand it, and its not harmful to him and the family. Second, Pray for him. Be his very own prayer warrior! To know that you are there to be his support system, who is positive, and encouraging, is the most amazing thing to a man! I encourage all you ladies to part of your husbands daily activities in PRAYER and Encouragement! 
 "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
 Proverbs 31:12

 Link up Tuesday! Click the link to see other Titus Tuesdays!

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One small victory!

The basket Cover!
 Oh where do I start? I have FINALLY taken victory over the bike basket cover!
I decided last night that I was going to finish this projected I decided to take on several months ago. I was googling on Pintrest, and stumbled on a cute idea of a cover for the basic bike basket. I couldn't follow the pattern that was given (I struggle with patterns a lot). So I kept thinking there's gotta be a "Tina way", which is basically a something so simple as cut and figure it out!
I started fitting and folding til it all fit! Then I sent everything through the machine, and before I sewed the 2 layers together I fitted a phone packet, and drink holder. Then before final sewing I cut where the handle are, to give a smooth finish. I then sent both layers through, sewing very carefully. Then I hand stitched the snaps on the side where the handles are, to keep it in place.
It is by NO MEANS PERFECT! There is learning involved but it works! And I am happy with it! 
Inside :) phone pocket and drink holder

Close up of my cup holder!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

When did he grow up?

So last night I was teaching Kris his first official chore. Washing dishes! He is old enough to take on house chores and get rewarded for it. We bought him a chore chart, and have started working on small things to earn. He LOVES it! And he told me "I know how to do this, because I watch you do it ALLLL the time!" :)
But I look at him and I wonder, when did he grow up? When did my unbalanced little toddler grow up to be a little guy?  Someone who can earn money to buy his own toys, put away his own laundry AND dress himself!
Well today, I accidentally elbowed him in the nose while fixing his seat belt, and I kissed his nose. And he said "Wait! You have lip stick on! Gross" WHAT? Since when? LOL I always wipe it away but now its gross? First I can't call him Bubba in public, now I can't kiss him with lip stick on... Oh where did my baby go???!!!

I am proud of who he has become! He is a big helper and desires to help! He has a servants heart big time. And I am so looking forward to the next stage. I do miss my little guy, but I can't more prouder of who he has become!
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10

Friday, July 20, 2012

This table...

 Something so simple, and something plain can be so powerful. Something so power as to fill a stomach and a heart.
My table is not perfect...
This simple table that we call a dining room table, is the focal point of every meal. It is the table we come together as a family to pray and eat together. To share stories about our day, and our plans for the week. It is also a table that without fail we sit as a family. No one sits a lone, and no one eats a lone. It is the place, where we thank our Heavenly Father for never failing to provide for us. It also has hosted many family game nights, and many family date nights. It has stood through tears of sadness and tears of joy! It has seated both of our beautiful sticky handed children. And still holds strong for another round, if God willing.
This table also stands as a class room table, arts and crafts table, the play dough factory, and a lunch room from time to time! It also is a place where I have made many blankets and bags.
This so simple table can stop a a room full of talkative toddlers, a room full of goofy adults to gather around pray and eat. It may not be perfect and shinny like it use to be, but that's ok because every little scratch means that I fed my family and friends, and no one left hungry or empty.
It has sticky stuff on it...
It is also a piece of furniture that sometimes can become neglected. Sometimes we as a nation forget that this table is not a part time laundry storage, project holder, or filing cabinet. It was designed to bring families together not a part. In this time as our families are rushing off to here or there, make sure we STOP and clear that dusty table we call a dinner table, and sit and gather together for a home cooked (or order in) meal together as a family.

"Give us today our daily bread..." Matthew 6:11
