Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Natural Living, 1yr and going strong!

So it has been almost 1yr since we took the jump into "Natural Living". And I just wanna say, its awesome! I can totally see the difference in my kids, me and my hubby. I will say also that it hasn't been the most easiest at times, and almost seemed impossible. But over all I love it! We have been taking baby steps towards our goal. And at times there has been up and down to our goal, but we've kept reminding each other of the reason we are doing this. This is just a small look into what we have been doing:

A) Changed out our detergent, from store bought to homemade. I have fallen in love with the detergent! Not only has it gotten out almost every stain my children have done to their clothing, but it also washes my front loader!! THAT'S right it does DOUBLE DUTY! Also it has saved my pantry from not having a it full of chemicals!
Here's the recipe we use in our home from my blog:

B) Switched from having store bought to making as much of my own stuff. Things like bread, desserts, and pancakes! My sweet hubby bought me a beautiful kitchen aid last Christmas, and I have been working that thing to death! I started out just making simple things like pancakes and cookies. Then I start adventuring into pizza dough, brownies, breads, cakes etc. LOVING IT! Not only do they taste AMAZING but they also save me calories. Because if I am too tired to cook it I don't eat it!

C) COCONUT OIL! I have been using it for lotion, shaving cream, sun exposure recovery, diaper rash cream, bug bites, hair frizz, ring remover when my bands are too tight, you name I have probably tried it

D) Cooking from natural ingredients: Stinks out loud when you first start, because you have to read everything! But just like anthing else over time you start learning what to look for then it becomes second nature to do it. I actually have made 3 grocery trips and stayed out of the "boxed" food area...  My rule of thumb I learned in the "Treasures of Healthy Living" if I can't say it, I try not to buy it!

Now these are JUST some things that our family is doing, we are not 100% Naturalist, I am working slowly towards that goal. But I encourage you to start out small, and work your way. You feel happier, healthier, and more important, you can be proud and say "I made that!"

As the shopper of the family, my next goal is to switch ALL cleaning products to natural cleaning products. I have slowly started collecting everything that I need to make these items.

But here is to happy and healthy living!


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