Monday, July 4, 2016

Visiting A New Mom

This weekend I had the joy of making a meal (recipe at the end of post)  for the FIRST of 5 baby's that was born this week. This is something I enjoy so much. It's another outreach to mama's I do.
Making a meal, helps them by not having to worry about at least one thing that day. It cooked and ready to go at drop off. It's also in a disposable dish, they don't have to keep up with bowls and getting them back to me.
Now as a mom of 3 now, I have learned some things about visiting new babies and I'll share them real quick. But keep in mind you know the new mom and their situation so this is just to be taken as helpful suggestions.

Send a message or text alert the arrival. 
 This my personal request, and something I do. New moms can't move quickly. They just pushed a baby out or had major surgery. So it may take them a min to get up. Or if they are nursing,  they may not have the walk around nursing thing down yet. So give them a heads up so they have a time frame or can be ready when the door bell rings.

Don't stay long
Now I will admit, I have over stayed my welcome a time or two. And honestly some mom's won't say it, but leave. Seriously, give your self a timer on your phone 30mins. And try to leave before that timer goes off. Most mom's need to nurse (newer mom's won't feel comfortable just nursing infront of people yet), or just nap.

Wait to be invited
  Wait for them to get home, and settled. Don't send a thousand text messages. Just simply let them know, when they are ready for company to let you know. And they will.

DO something
If you are blessed enough to be invited over, offer to do something. Or just pick up a little around. I remember when I had my 2nd blessing, a friend came over and took out ALL the trash. And while at first I was a little embarrassed (bc let's be honest it's the stinky job) I was grateful.

Be Understanding:
Everybody wants to hold and smell that beautiful new blessing. But wait. There is bad news here,  you may NOT get to. New moms don't want to let anyone hold their new baby. But eventually you will.  I usually will wait for the mom to ask "Would you like to hold him/her?". If they don't that is fine.
And last but not least:

Bring food or beverage!
It doesn't have to be a meal, but it can be a basket full of snacks. Or a coffee, or something you know they enjoy.

Enjoy the opportunity to be a blessing to a new mother.  Sharing a meal and lending a helping hand is such a simple gesture but for a new mom gradually getting used to the new normal of having another little one to look after it can feel like a small miracle.

  • 1 lb package of Turkey Kielbasa
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 20 oz. package of refrigerated Tortellini
  • 28 oz can of whole tomatoes, cut in the can with kitchen scissors
  • 1 cup chicken broth or water
  • Pinch of salt & pepper
  • 2 Tbsp cream cheese
  • 2 cups shredded jack and cheddar cheeses
  1. Cook the onion in a little olive oil until soft. Add sliced turkey sausage and cook until browned. Add chicken broth, tortellini, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring often. Turn heat down to low, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until pasta is cooked to al dente. Remove from heat and add cheeses, reserving a handful for topping. Cover and let stand for five to ten minutes. Grarnch with green onions, if desired. Serve hot.

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