Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creature of Habit

Ever have a day when all you need is a direction from the day... 
That's today! 

Yes I'm dressed, kids are up, laundry is going. But I have no "basic plan". I feel out of control... I don't like it at all! I am use to on the go, plans laid out as I wake... But I have none of that today. I think its because I don't know the plan for THIS WEEK. I am lost! POINT BLANK: I am an O.C.D planner. Its true, i am a creature of planning and schedule. This is a gift or talent God gave me. I have to have some kind of "sketch" of the week and when something isn't planned or set before i get a little uneasy. Plans keep changing and there's no direct answer for this week. I know sounds weird... But this is who I am and this too I will maintain, and I will lean on God for direction and stability. 
It's amazing how we start learning our weakness when we feel out of our norm. What do you do when we feel out of sorts? As creatures of habit how do you let Go and let God? Is when you're down and out? Or is when you are almost down and out...
Picture from: KLove Morning Show

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11

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