Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mama Fuel

What Fuels your day?
That can be a difficult one... Pending on the day, and time you start yours. I know for me as a mom, I require some sort of caffeine for a rough wake up day! Meaning the kids didn't sleep, I didn't sleep, or I went to bed WAY to late... But over all, hearing my Mandisa "Good Morning" on my alarm clock, I am good, and anyone can talk to me before coffee. But if not, I go straight for the cup of coffee...
But the MOST important thing for me to have a calming spirit, and to be able to handle most of the days challenge of the day is something as simple as Coffee with my Lord! Diving in head first getting into HIS word from head to toe.
 " Let the Morning bring me word of YOUR unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the Way I should go, for you to lift up my soul." Psalms 143:8
I am not perfect at waking up, before the sun to do my time, but I have set my children in a routine, that once they get breakfast they watch PBS or listen to KLOVE til I am finished in the kitchen. Is it perfect silence, no, but GOD can hear me above all, when I devote me to HIM.... And if its not the perfect morning I simply pray, wait and have an afternoon lunch with my GOD. Because HE is the ONE AND ONLY who can set our feet on the right path. And if we talk with HIM everyday then we have right MIND, and the right ATTITUDE for the day!
So think about this... What fuels your DAY?


  1. Um excuse me where is today's post? ;)

  2. Its coming... Ive been busy busy.. but I got half done.. going to finish in 30 mins! I promise!
