Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thrifty and Fabulous!

Now a days, with the economy, it seems impossible to get anything without going bank erupt! But I have discovered the most amazing thing, being thrifty doesn't mean junk. It has turned into THRIFTY AND FABULOUS! Now a days the HOTTEST topics/trends are homemade, refurbishing, re-purposing and thrift stores. But what I wanna start in this amazing new trend is SWAPPING! I have blogged about it before, but Stephanie (head of, not creator but just Coordinator) and I wanna give YOU a chance to experience it first hand! Once you've done it you will wanna come back! Here you go, comment on this blog about what you would be bringing OR what you hope to get out of the swap! And I will pick one comment you will get in for FREE (Swap is on Aug 4th in Great Bridge starts @NOON please only comment if you can make it)! Contest ends AUG 1ST AT NOON!

Please feel free to visit the website to learn MORE about Swapping!



  1. Jillian Topping- theboysnme3@live.comJuly 19, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    I would bring my boys 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing and 4T clothing, I think I would also bring a few other things including an awesome hotsling :)

  2. I hope to bring little shoes for little feet to pitter patter in, and take home some toys with a bit of vroom for countless carpet adventures to come!
