Saturday, June 9, 2012

I would steal a kiss or two...

"I would have courted you. We'd have taken chaperoned strolls, and iced tea on the porch. I may have stolen a kiss or two. Only after asking your fathers permission, I would have gotten down on one knee, and I would have presented you with a ring."
 ~ Edward Cullen from Twilight Saga "Eclipse"

I was watching my Twilight DVD's last night, having an evening to myself. And I love this movie because it brings back that memory of how I first felt when I met my husband 10yrs ago. That "puppy love" as some people call it. And it makes me think of how I madly in love I am with him now, even 10yrs later. Back when you first started dating, do you remember how you first started out? With the holding hands, and a simple kiss or embraced send your head in a spin? Or you forget to breath? And when you would check your phone for a text or a call from him, or watch the clock til it was your date night! Ugh, I love it! And its silly, but I still feel that way with my husband. It hasn't always been like that. We hit a rough patch, when I lost my flame, because I didn't respect him as "Head of the House" and I know NOW that idea of "I rule over me", damaged a part of our marriage. I finally embraced the idea of Respecting him as the "Head of the House", he really showed me LOVE. He has always loved me, and I could see that he did. But my attitude was damaging him, it was like me throwing his "I love you's" back at him. But once I dropped the "belittling" attitude, and stood behind him and not over him, our relationship grew to new levels of IN LOVE, and I can't describe the feelings I have for my husband 8yrs into our marriage. 
But what keeps us from being MADLY IN LOVE? Why does the honeymoon stage have to be over after the 6mth mark? It doesn't have to be... Steal a few kisses here or there... forget to breath because He kisses you when he sees you, or embraces you with his arms! Show him that he is your reason for living... Because mine is the reason for living, for being a wife, a mom, a home maker! He is why I love getting the house ready for when he comes home! Because he is the best decision I ever made....

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