Monday, June 25, 2012

The weekend without TV

So, we finished our weekend without TV and not too bad. I think we (husband and I) got a little board without it. BUT then again it was a busy weekend so after the kids went down we both where to tired to play games or just sit an talk (I was a little talked out SHOCKER i know!). But we got to enjoy peace and quite! :) Funny part was on Saturday we where pretty much booked from 1pm-8pm.. So when we got up, we managed to get, dress, eat, clean, cut grass, play outside and get showered and dressed for my Grandparents 60th anniversary! All because no TV distracting us or the kids! The first day Kids didn't ask for the TV at all that day, even Kris who is so use to TV at quite time (PBS). Then Sunday wasn't as busy, but that's when he started asking, in the morning, quite time AND right before bed time. I asked him why he felt he needed TV and he said "I don't know.. I like it?" Then we sat and talked after his quiet time, that TV isn't your main focus in life. TV is for enjoyment yes, but it can also be bad for you. And I think we are going to limit TV all together in the house. So I talked with God in my sanctuary (Laundry Room) and I think we've definitely came across a good idea. TV schedule starts this week, and I thought maybe turning on the TV at 8am-9am, then 1pm-2:30pm (Kris gets to watch his 3 favorite shows), Then TV comes back on 8pm after kids go to bed. Then also thought about doing a once a week special morning of 8am-11am PJ relax day... But its all a work in process. Nothing wrong with using the imagination 99% of the time :)
Kris working with Dad on the bike
My husband and I also talked about once a month doing the no TV weekend! Crazy I know! But I really think it will be good for us to UNPLUG and ENGAGE our family focus...
 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."~Matthew 6:19-21
Like this picture of my son learning how to fix a flat tire. He did 80% of the work, and he had a blast working with his daddy to do this. Then later we went for a family bike ride, played out side then crashed after! All because we had time together, to focus on each other and our life as a family.
 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will." 
~Romans 12:2

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