Monday, June 4, 2012

Imagination- Best TOY to give your child!

Backyard fun!

Since we decided to focus on living Naturally, we decided as a family to focus on the kids IMAGINATION and less on TV. Play outside and less inside when the weather is nice! Now when you hear the word
IMAGINATION what do you think of? 

Attack of the magical bubbles!

I used Wikipedia to look up Imagination is this is what came up.
Imagination: is the ability of forming images and sensations when they are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental faculty through which people make sense of the world, and it also plays a key role in the learning process. A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative),in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds". It is a whole cycle of image formation or any sensation which may be described as "hidden" as it takes place without anyone else's knowledge.(Source
Bonnie and Clyde :) Nerf War!

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact my Kids can come up with new things EVERYDAY! They wake up get 1 TV show (If they ask, if not I don't touch the TV, I play KLOVE) and they start playing! Whatever they have, they use it! If it Books into a Castle wall, Lego's into four wheeling dump truck, or Nerf War with pillows as bunkers! I love seeing the imagination just GROW! There's rare moments of nothing and silence!

Innovation at its BEST!
This was an awesome moment of "The Mind of Kris". For his birthday party we told him to catch bubbles.. for a second he looked at the bubble blower and looked at me with a "I can't do it!" all I did was look at him, and he grabbed a bucket, stuck it to the blower and TADA! He caught bubbles, with out me telling how to, or giving instructions my son figured it out! And I know he gets that Innovation from his dad for sure!! Everyday I pray he continues to be innovative and uses his imagination! One day I know he will come up with something AMAZING!

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