Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Proverbs 31:15

She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
~Proverbs 31:15
So I am on my journey of rising before my family to provide food, and better start to the day. I have made it up before the kids for 3 days and I think I am liking this. There's no "wait for me to be done with getting ready, making breakfast..". They wake and I focus on my children, and I actually get more done in a day! Making life simpler and less stress.
Simple steps to get to where I am is what I did. I didn't just jump into it, I took slow steps to get up without it feeling like a chore. I simply started with prayer day after day. God please help me, help me let go of my desires to sleep in. Then I did a small devotional about Proverbs 31, the Noble Wife. And I would start waking 30mins earlier each day. Til I got up before the kids, and was able to focus.  Then after a lot of prayer, devotional time, and focus on being a mom and wife, I can now see it clearly.  I have also found that God has written it clearly in the bible. If we just stop, listen and focus on God's designed plan. I will be the first to declare "there is nothing worth getting up that early" but now I have discovered there are several things to get up for. To see my husband off to work, get quiet time with God before starting my day, and to get more done. 
If you are wanting to get up and don't have the strength,or motivation, I am here to say that you can do it! And I am here to help you! I am willing to help you get started with waking up before the sun, and enjoy it. Make it less of a burden... It took me a good 4month to break through the I like sleep better! But worth every moment I have to myself and God! Next step is to wake up with hubby in the morning! 

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." ~ Psalm 5:3
Please feel free to offer suggestions or experience here! Love for more ideas!

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